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If I’m stuck with a part of a song, feeling like the energy isn’t quite right, sometimes it can be helpful for me to add a layer.
And when I’m not sure what that layer should be: I brainstorm three different options, and then I see where I’m at. Oftentimes just the process of brainstorming takes me in a much better direction, even if I don’t end up using anything I brainstormed.
The point: it’s usually good for me not to be precious about my arrangements. Even if I’m going for something more minimal or sleek, oftentimes I have to go more maximal to get there. Sometimes that helps me find where the energy is really coming from. Sometimes it’s not where I thought.
Maximally — jamie
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By Jamie Hill · Launched 2 years ago
an irregularly-published daily email with a 60-second thought on diy music production