Busy times
I’ve been quieter than I thought I would be over this last month! I have been in the throes of onsaleing and getting the marketing and promo in place for what is turning out to be a much bigger spring USA tour than we had anticipated. Which is great, but holy shit is it a lot of work.
Anyway, I’ve missed you, and I just wanted to say hi. I’ve been keeping a folder of Jamie’s list topics … at some point I will have time to flesh them out into posts. But that point is not today!
It feels good to be so busy I barely have time to think — it’s crazy times at the moment here in the USA, as I’m sure you’re aware, and so extra thinking time is not ideal. I hope my USA peeps are hanging in there and keeping your spirits up. 🖤
If you’re struggling, might I suggest immersing yourself in a little music? I’m not going to have time to write on here for a little while still, I would imagine, but the Jamie’s list archive is full of ideas and jumping-off points …
Ih the meantime, here’s what I’ve been working on:
Tickets are at shannoncurtis.net/tour. Please come hang out with us this spring! (And if you’d like to come but tickets are a barrier, please let me know and I can find Ticket Angels tickets for you; our shows are always financially accessible experiences.)
I hope you’re all hanging in there. With love from Tacoma — jamie