Find something weird and accentuate it
I was talking about recording this evening with my friend Allison Winkler, who is the bass player for Bone Haus and the guitar player / drum programmer / producer / engineer / mixer for Gock. (Full disclosure, I mixed+mastered the Bone Haus record and mastered the upcoming Gock record.) And she had this to say:
“I’ll record a guitar part, and there will be a weird frequency that pokes out, but not in a bad way? And it kind of like tips me off to a little piece of ear candy that I could throw in there. Like, maybe I’ll take that frequency, and add a synth doing quarter notes at that same frequency for a moment, really low in the mix, just to enhance it.”
What a great idea!
The weird stuff is the best stuff — jamie
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By Jamie Hill · Launched 2 years ago
an irregularly-published daily email with a 60-second thought on diy music production