If the vocal is dry ...
… it better be extremely good.
If the vocal isn’t extremely good? Use more reverb. Or delay. Or something. Make up the difference.
What doesn’t work: putting a middling vocal front and center with very little fx treatment.
And if it’s what the artist conceptually thinks they want, but their voice can’t carry the weight? Your job is to gently help guide them to the place you need them to be, for the good of the record.
We can make amazing records from imperfect sources; I do it all of the time. But the precondition is that first we must acknowledge any weaknesses in what we’re working with, so that we can work to find ways around them. There’s no room for ego or self-deception in this work.
With clear eyes — jamie
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By Jamie Hill · Launched 2 years ago
an irregularly-published daily email with a 60-second thought on diy music production