Jean Baudrillard's stages of simulacra
Apropos of the ongoing discussion on Mastodon about how the quality of a recording influences our perception of it, our friend Dave Carter had this to say, which blew my mind a little bit:
I think about recordings, and the idea of fidelity more generally, in context of Jean Baudrillard's stages of simulacra:
1) a 'faithful' copy of the original / reflects a basic reailty
2) obscures or perverts an underlying reality
3) pretending to be a 'faithful' copy of a reality that doesn't exist (masks the absence of a basic reality)
4) bears no relation to any reality - pure simulacrum
Recordings are often copies without an original.
“Copies without an original.” Whhhooooaaaaaa 🤯
Thanks Dave — jamie
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By Jamie Hill · Launched 2 years ago
an irregularly-published daily email with a 60-second thought on diy music production