Mixing is fun!
Apropos of my post a few days ago about starting over on problematic mixes, our friend Susan wrote this back:
Yes. I have to start thinking of a mix as fun. Not something sacred.
And: YES. That’s exactly it!
Even if you’re a beginner — especially if you’re a beginner — it’s so important to encourage a spirit of play in your work. You get to mold sound! How amazing is that?
Go with that feeling; not the feeling of frustration that you haven’t mastered it yet. You’re probably never going to master it. I certainly haven’t, and I hope not to! I didn’t claw my way into my music-making life so that I could have a rote, predictable job; I clawed my way into record production to get away from that.
Beginner mind 4eva — jamie
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By Jamie Hill · Launched 2 years ago
an irregularly-published daily email with a 60-second thought on diy music production