We do it because we can't not
On the days when this work seems like we’re fighting it, it’s helpful for me to return to this bedrock truth:
I do this work not because I want to, but because I can’t not.
And don’t get me wrong: most of the time, I very much want to. Hell, I’m writing this having just worked on a mix for two hours on my first full day off in 8 days. (So it’s not really a full day off, is it. Ha.)
But on the days I don’t want to — those days when nothing seems to be working right: I just remember that this is what my soul needs for me to be doing. Including when it’s hard. Because working through the hard parts is how we get back to the good parts.
Ride or die — jamie
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By Jamie Hill · Launched 2 years ago
an irregularly-published daily email with a 60-second thought on diy music production